Hey all,
Sorry for the week and a half- two week absence. I've just gotten off holidays and kind of getting back in the swing of real life. So between that and painting up my Wolves for February, I unfortunately through this blog on the back burner. Never fear though, I am back.
Sunday, 11 January 2015
Thursday, 1 January 2015
My thoughts on the new Space Wolves: HQ's: The Wolf Priest
Today I decided to ring in the new year with a tactics write up on the good ol' Wolf Priest. The Wolf Priest is a character who can being a lot of diversity to your army and has a couple roles I feel are best suited for him. This won't be a write up as long as the others as I have only used a Wolf Priest in one role(which i enjoyed) but I do know of some other uses for him that have worked out quite well for others. So on to the write up!
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Stop.. Hobby Time: How I paint Thunder Wolf Cavalry Pt.2 (With 100% more rider!)

As promised, I have the second part of my write up on how I paint Thunderwolf Cavalry. This write up is lucky enough to feature 100% more Thunderwolf Cavalry rider. This was fun to do, very simple and actually a labor of love because I do have fluff in mind for my army when I build and paint them. More on this in the write up; so let's bash on shall we?
Stop.. Hobby Time: How I paint Thunder Wolf Cavalry Pt.1
Today I got something special for all of you. As you recall from the last post; I dropped my Thunderwolves off with my buddy Evan to be primed and base coated with his airbrush. In record time he completed it and I also picked them up yesterday. So today I have the first part of what should be a 2 to 3 part tutorial on how I paint up my cavalry.
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
SHOWCASE: Leman Russ Punisher
Hey Guys and Gals,
Today I finished my Leman Russ Punisher. Here are the pictures of the completed work. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I don't doubt that its not showcase quality; but it didn't take me to long and I will be more then proud to throw this down on the table(not literally though).
Today I finished my Leman Russ Punisher. Here are the pictures of the completed work. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I don't doubt that its not showcase quality; but it didn't take me to long and I will be more then proud to throw this down on the table(not literally though).
Stop.. Hobby Time: Space Wolves in Preparation for the Barrie Bash
Hey Everyone,
So in preparation for the Barrie Bash; hosted at Sir Games A Lot and being set up by our very own Ridvan(Skari of Skaredcast); I have started to work on my Thunderwolf Cavalry.
So in preparation for the Barrie Bash; hosted at Sir Games A Lot and being set up by our very own Ridvan(Skari of Skaredcast); I have started to work on my Thunderwolf Cavalry.
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